Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GPS, Power Meter, Wireless, Can it be?

A new company is debuting their new QUARK power meter at this years Interbike show. as you all know I am a strong believer in training and pacing with power and this unit is like having a Powertap 2.4, SRM and Garmin Edge (or Polar) all in one unit. It even will show realtime power related info like TSS.

There are limitations like you must run a multi piece crank (one with a seperate spider) because the strain gauges read movement in the spider. For me this will be very expensive because a Cannondale Hollowgram crank is $500 new. On the plus side the crank is stiff and very light. NO ugly wires and use ANY wheels you want.

I am waiting anxiousely for this one. The iBIke was just too quirky and the SRM is too expensive and cannot be moved from bike to bike easily and power tap you cannot use a disc wheel (disc covers yes, but not a true disc wheel). Check it out for yourself.

1 comment:

Rick said...

it does sound pretty Polar Power Sensor has it's quarks & hopefully Polar will have fixed some of them. If I upgrade mine I'll let you know.