Saturday, December 5, 2009

It gets easier

I studied most of the day. When I wasn't studying I ate a wee bit too much. I made bacon and a cheese omelet for breakfast and baked potatoes with cheese, sour cream and butter for lunch.  I think I am making up for it with a salad for dinner. Though me thinks some dessert may be in order. OH well, its a weakness.

Finally after 5 I got on the trainer and did 40 minutes at high L2 power and finished with 5 minutes at mid tempo. I am happy to say I am adapting to the trainer so that "maybe" when its time to do long tempo and threshold efforts I can do them.  Some guys can go just as hard on the trainer, some even higher than the road. I am not one of them.

Now the question is when do I start ramping it up? I signed up for four classes next semester so I think I am gonna have to be very efficient with my time. These one hour Power, power sessions will have to be good ones. But it is getting easier as it does every winter.

I am also going to do a few of the popular (with my friends) Computrainer races in my basement this winter. Price to do them?  Some beer, food if you like-what else!! They are a lot of fun and now I have better audio/visual in my basement. You could say the man cave is coming along.  I'll let everyone know on my facebook page when the first one will be. And everyone who doesnt train with power gets a kick out of the power they put out. Those of who do train with power are usually amazed at how much power our friends put out. Its all fun.

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